Canal Toys Mixin Sensations 4-pack

Canal Toys Mixin Sensations 4-pack
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NZ $12.99
Introducing the CCC 028 Mix'n Sensations 4-Pack – Ignite your child's creativity with an array of sensory items in the Crazy Sensations Mix 'In Sensations ASMR Compounds, delivering unprecedented satisfying sensations! Assortment of Sensory Items: This kit features four compounds and four mix-ins, designed to provide endless tactile enjoyment. Explore a world of sensory wonders like never before. Complete Kit: All the exciting components are neatly organized in a reusable storage case, guaranteeing hours of entertainment and creative exploration. Unleash Creativity: Combine the mix with the provided decorations to craft truly satisfying sensations. Feel the sensations as you squeeze, tug, and crunch to your heart's content. With the CCC 028 Mix'n Sensations 4-Pack, your child can dive into the realm of sensory delights, unlocking new dimensions of tactile satisfaction. Experience the joy of creative play and let your imagination soar as you explore and craft unique sensations. What satisfying feelings will you create today?
  • Age: 6 years and over
  • Item no: 32627
  • Approx packaging dimensions: 16 x 6 x 29 cm
  • Include
  • Sand
  • Slime
  • Foam
  • Fluffy slime and more.

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