Excel Basic Skills Mental Maths Strategies Year 5 Age 10-11

Excel Basic Skills Mental Maths Strategies Year 5 Age 10-11
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NZ $17.99
Mental Maths is the maths we do in our heads without the use of calculators and without writing down the calculation. Mental Maths strategies are the tricks we use to do Maths in our heads. There are different ways of finding the answer to any Mental Maths problem, and such strategies are the focus of this series. Even though calculators and computers play an enormous role in the modern world, we still need to go back to the basics - we do need to know how to check that the sales assistant at the counter is giving us the right change! Mental Maths has become more important than ever and new primary Maths syllabuses in Australia are reflecting this. For example, NSW has placed an emphasis on Mental Maths in its primary syllabus, and even the Year 10 School Certificate examination has a compulsory non-calculator section.
  • Format: Paperback / softback

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