Third in the Sammy Football Trilogy, this book follows the continuing football adventures of young football fan Sammy and her team the Shooting Stars. This time she wins a competition that sees her going to the World Cup, and meeting some of the international stars of the game. These stories are fun, educational, inspiring and sure to delight young sport enthusiasts. . Forewords by former NZ players, football tricks section and author bio included.
Third in the Sammy Football Trilogy, this book follows the continuing football adventures of young football fan Sammy and her team the Shooting Stars. This time she wins a competition that sees her going to the World Cup, and meeting some of the international stars of the game. These stories are fun, educational, inspiring and sure to delight young sport enthusiasts. . Forewords by former NZ players, football tricks section and author bio included.
Suggested reading age 9–12-year-olds.